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色彩缤纷的酒吧灵感来自狂欢节由Eric Haydel设计

When we think of New Orleans, we think of that heady, 享乐主义的地方是感官的盛宴. Spanish moss, French Quarter architecture, Bourbon Street jazz, voodoo and Carnival come to mind, and they are enchanting visions indeed. And, 而这些新奥尔良的标准对新英格兰的我们来说似乎遥不可及, 我们不由自主地选择了一些项目,这些项目唤起了这些复杂和庆祝新奥尔良的情感. 

Mardi Gras

室内设计灵感来自狂欢节由Eric Haydel设计

Interior design by Eric Haydel Design

The magical holiday, 从1月的主显节开始到刚刚结束的200多场游行, 以颓废的假面舞会闻名于世, King cakes and over-the-top floats. Eric Haydel, owner of Eric Haydel Design, 刚从诺拉和狂欢节游行回来, 他在安布罗西亚克鲁的宫廷里担任他父母的国王和王后的公爵, the family float for 35 years.


左图:埃里克·海德尔和他的父母在化妆舞会上握手, the king and queen; right: Mardi Gras merriment

Haydel grew up in Thibodaux, just outside of New Orleans, which, 他诗意地把它描述为一座拥有风景如画的河口的神奇(如果被忽视的话)城市, complete with alligators and white birds, where “the mystery of voodoo unravels,和“土地滚入河流的景观。.”

对海德尔来说,狂欢节不只是紫色、绿色和金色. He sees it more conceptually, as a piece of social history, and “a collection of colors, ideas, layering, 充满活力的历史和文化.

家庭和游戏室的灵感来自狂欢节由Eric Haydel设计

Interior design by Eric Haydel Design

他在纽约上东区(Upper East Side)的一间家庭游戏室中传达了这种审美和氛围, 为活泼的空间注入完美的色彩, art, pattern and line. “每个房间都有节奏和音乐性,”该项目的设计师说. “当你被它吞没时,你就不想离开. It’s a moment of pure ecstasy.”

Intricate Ironwork

由Kistler设计的曼彻斯特海边庄园的复杂铁艺 & Knapp Builders

Kistler & Knapp Builders; architecture by Epstein Joslin Architects

Ironwork—on the trellises, balconies, 大门和煤气灯——是新奥尔良的标志性细节之一, 建造的海边曼彻斯特庄园也是如此 Kistler & Knapp Builders. Here, 错综复杂的铁艺为立面带来了优雅和华丽, wrapping the front entry like ivy, 爬上美丽的玻璃天篷和二楼阳台.

Victorian Opulence

Historic renovation by S+H Construction

Construction by S+H Construction, architecture by Prellwit-Chillinski, design by Potter+Hattaway; photo by Eric Roth

虽然新奥尔良的建筑风格多种多样, 让人联想到这座充满活力的城市的,往往是维多利亚风格和花园区的豪宅. 在路易斯安那购地协议签署之后, a time of prosperity emerged, and extravagant, 精致的豪宅成为财富和庄严的奢华表现.

虽然位于剑桥,楼上精致的客厅,由 S+H Construction在路易斯安那州的地标建筑中,你会感到宾至如归. Located within an 1880s Victorian house, 这个华丽的空间有戏剧性的皇冠造型, intricate casings, gilded accents and antiques, 这里是举办热情而优雅的招待会的绝佳场所.

Purple Reign


Architecture: BPC Architecture; photo by Erin Engen

这是高档派对谷仓的一部分,设计师是 BPC Architecture 对于一个喜欢娱乐的客户来说, is electrifying, and aglow in a wash of Mardi-Gras violet, 据说无处不在的紫色象征着正义, green and gold color scheme. Exposed brick, a glittering chandelier, 再加上一张长毛绒长椅,就更完美了, 而圆桌上的人却在乞求来一轮萨泽拉克酒和一场纸牌游戏(bourr), anyone?).

Feast on This


Construction by S+H Construction

新奥尔良不仅以其南方人的热情好客和魅力而闻名, but also for its mouthwatering cuisine. 这个位于剑桥的诱人厨房,是由 S+H Construction 大量裸露的砖块,辛辣的红色和铜锅,似乎应有尽有. It also has history, 因为在成为住宅之前,它是哈佛大学著名的玻璃花卉展览的制作车间. 毫无疑问,这是一个经验丰富的厨房——深受人们的喜爱,也得到了很好的利用. 我们很容易看到秋葵汤在炉子上煨着, 烤炉里的玉米面包和其他克里奥尔特色菜在这里摆盘供应.

Top image: Eric Haydel Design

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