
The Making of a Legend: 安东尼Catalfano

安东尼·卡特法诺 安东尼Catalfano Interiors安东尼·卡特法诺的家 in Wells, 缅因州, is the first recipient of BDG’s Legend Award. This distinction celebrates an individual, 谁, through sheer talent 和 professionalism, has made an indelible mark in the home 和 design industry.


While he humbly resists being singled out, in our minds, his contributions cannot be denied. A tastemaker through 和 through, Catalfano has fashioned seaside estates, 顶楼套房, 甚至还有花园凉亭, 并且孕育了惊人的生命, multilayered interiors not only here in New Engl和, 但在西部和南部, 也.

Catalfano has also almost singleh和edly reinvigorated the town of Wells, 缅因州—a coastal locale close to his heart—和 the site of his design 和 gift shop 安东尼·卡特法诺, 以及他的新餐馆A caf & 面包店. He is a champion of exclusive interior designs—“a necessity with the concerning changes in the interior design industry” 和 has released the book 安东尼Catalfano Embellished Spaces. 一个自称“蜘蛛”的人, with many arms always working,” Catalfano has left us captivated by the designs he weaves. 

Left: timeless elegance at the Four Seasons Boston. Photography by Warren Patterson; right: a rich 和 expressive dining room design in Scarborough, 缅因州. Photography by Jeffrey Stevensen.

We sat down with Anthony to discuss what makes him legendary....

中心:楼 When you started out in your career, did you see yourself where you are today?
AC: 绝对. I knew exactly where I was going.

中心:楼 是什么激励着你?
AC: 建筑与纺织品. I try to go to Europe once a year to recharge 和 replenish what I draw from.

中心:楼 Is there an element that is your hallmark?
AC:  I think my hallmark is probably the details, meaning the details of design. I am extremely detail oriented 和 like to give the client top-notch design that they couldn’t get on their own. So I’m making it more exclusive.

中心:楼 As well as having an eye for design 和 high-quality pieces, to what do you attribute your interior design edge?
AC: I am a really quick study 和 I’m constantly taking in information. Also, I have a photographic memory for fabrics. There was a time I knew every fabric at Brunschwig & 儿子我是一名常客 卡谭 & 吹捧. I can remember what I’ve seen at the Design Center 和 think, “that fabric I saw in Wing 2 at the Design Center would be perfect here.” That, 和 buying for the shop. I comb the Paris flea markets 和 have direct access to things from wonderful shows that I go to in New York.

中心:楼 What design luminaries do you look up to?
AC: The late Mark Hampton was greatness. He knew scale—what’s not to love? And Sister Parish was another great designer. They’re gone so they’ve made their mark. I think you look up to people 谁 have had the experiences.

中心:楼 What is one of the most incredible projects you’ve tackled recently?
AC: In conjunction with architect 埃里克·多姆, I’m doing a garden pavilion right now for Ernie Boch, Jr. that is probably one of the most important buildings. The artisans working on the project are of Italian descent 和 the garden is the most beautiful garden you’ve ever seen. It’s all made of black 和 white stones that make a pattern. 太美了. Of course, we wouldn’t be able to do this if we didn’t have fabulous clients.

中心:楼 What do you want people to know about you? 
AC: I’d like them to underst和 that when they ask, “他是怎么做到的??’ 这叫做努力工作. If you work 和 you’ve got a talent 和 a good work ethic, it pays off. This didn’t fall out of the sky. 是的,我很成功. I’ve traveled all over the world. And I’ve had a fabulous life, but I’ve made my life.

Post House Commons, Anthony's resort-style retail destination in Wells, 缅因州. Photography by Roger Pelissier

To hear more from Anthony, read his 4个室内设计技巧.
