
Pellettieri Associates设计的场外景观

High-end landscape design and construction by Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

蜿蜒卵石道. 令人惊叹的观点. 长满青苔的石阶小径. 花岗岩景观呈现出湖泊的色调. 景观设计/建筑公司 Pellettieri Associates, Inc. 把大自然的辉煌带到更高的地方. 乔治·佩莱蒂耶里总统, 谁在这个行业干了35年, offers advice for homeowners in search of the terrain of their dreams. 

乔治最重要的建议? “先给我们打电话,”他说. If his team can see the setting (whether an uncultivated site or one that has already been developed), 他们可以评估它的特征, 观点和特色, 并帮助居民创造最佳的天然帆布.

Pool terrace with a view by high-end landscape design/build firm Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

最好的户外生活. This striking pool terrace was positioned to maximize enviable views.

Often, his firm will work with realtors 以确保 that a lot has the desired capabilities. 它能建一个游泳池吗, tennis court or soccer field or would dramatic clearing of existing vegetation or construction be needed? Are there environmental, local or state restrictions that would limit grading or clearing? 

景观 with water view by high-end landscape design/build firm Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

那块石头, 房子更慷慨地使用了, gently steps down to the lawns in a gradual progression that ultimately spills into naturalistic beds by the water.

It is also fruitful to work with the architect from the start, 以确保, 在更广泛的层面上, 从家到风景的物理连接或, 更精确地, how to position a private terrace so the homeowners are granted eastern exposure with their morning coffee. “We feel we can be the most beneficial if we are the first ones on the site and the last ones to leave,乔治说。. 

High-end terrace with water view by Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

Stunning stonescapes reflect more than 35 years of experience in the landscape field. 图片由杰夫·西农提供.

Pellettieri Associates, Inc. also encourages homeowners to think hard about how they intend to use their property. “Lifestyle is so important,” contends Technology Director Graham Pellettieri. Residents should consider if they’d like to showcase a particular tree on the property and 哪一个 views they’d most like to frame. They should think about the time of year they will occupy the home so that Pellettieri can answer with a layout that maximizes the beauty and bloom of a particular season or seasons. 

High-end woodland landscape design by Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

The tranquil gardens of this southern exposure oasis are comprised of New Hampshire bluestone, 原石和本地植物, 创造一个自然可持续和宁静的环境.​

Pellettieri Associates, Inc. will also want to know if the residents entertain regularly and, if so, how many guests? They can then hatch a plan that satisfies the usual scenario yet still accounts for the aberration. 以车道为例,共享乔治. For clients who welcome extended family a few times a year, 我们可以准备, secure and firm a larger-than-typical driveway base and then have the edges brought in with natural mulch or small plantings. 现在 the homeowner has a drive that can support extra vehicles four or five times a year, 没有停车场. 

High-end landscape design and driveway by Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

This meandering cobble drive says welcome to all who enter.

现在, 更甚于以往, 房主对他们的景观要求越来越高, 并创造出多种用途的景观. Pellettieri Associates helps them understand—and then realize—the choices. “一切都与人有关,Pellettieri说, 哪一个, 虽然这似乎违反直觉, 很有道理. “是的, 我们正在建造一个景观, but if the landscape is not enjoyed by people then we have not accomplished our goal.” 

High-end landscape with water view by landscape design/build firm Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

美丽的庭园将床与本地植物结合在一起, 起伏的草坪和质朴的巨石和石头.

Pellettieri Associates’ design/build model means they are in it for the long haul. They are integral in the site analysis and design as well as in the field and upkeep. The landscape has to work in the here and now, as well as years from now. 他们提供了深刻的设计知识, 材料与精细园艺, and a start-to-finish approach that will endure—and change, 这是几代人的需要.

High-end landscape by New Hampshire design/build firm Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

This lakehouse landscape comes off as natural and untouched, 而事实上, 它是经过精心栽培的.

今天, many are interested in sustainable landscapes and Pellettieri’s relationship with Swenson Granite of Concord is key. As [Swenson Granite] has access to different quarries throughout New England, Pellettieri is able to source many different stones from the area and New Hampshire, “花岗岩之州”.” This cuts down on the environmental impact and supports suppliers in their own backyard. It also facilitates seamless landscape designs that are one with the land. 因为, even with all of the company’s thoughtful planning and meticulous care, 当被问及这个问题时,这家公司是最开心的, “你真的在这儿吗??乔治问道。. “这表明我们的工作做得很好.”

Stone drainage system by high-end landscape design/build firm Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

任何细节都要考虑周全. Pellettieri Associates, Inc. 在岩石通道上雕刻了这个排水系统.

主图片由Jeff Sinon提供
